
  • S&U Kids Fish Oil
    S&U 儿童鱼油

    Kids fish oil is rich in DHA and EPA, it can effectively promote the fetus, infants and children’s brain development, increase intelligence. It can proficiently support the brain nutrition and enhance thinking ability. In addition, DHA also can soften the retinal cells, improve retinal reflex function to strengthen the eyesight.

    儿童鱼油对脑部、眼睛以及智力和体力发育都有很大的好处。儿童鱼油含有丰富的DHA和EPA。DHA俗称“脑白金” ,是一种人体自身无法制造的必需脂肪酸,是人体脑部、眼部、各种神经系统及防御系统的重要成分。EPA的主要作用是软化心脑血管、促进心脑血管的血液循环、防止血液粘稠、减少心脑血管疾病的发生。